Your solar system for your home or business is one of the best investments you can make. Besides saving you money and helping the environment, solar panels can also help protect your roof from harmful UV radiation. However eventually most roofs will need to be replaced or repaired and most roofing companies are unfamiliar with how to properly remove and re-install solar systems. ABCO offers Solar Remove-Reinstall services for our customers and for solar system owners whose installer has gone out of business or is unable or not licensed to handle solar.
- ABCO's trained technicians remove the panels, racking and roof attachments to prepare the roof for repair or replacement.
- ABCO will store your system at our warehouse or on your property in a designated area.
- After the roofing job is complete our technician will return to reinstall your system (including any additional upgrades) to its original condition.
- Once your solar panels are reinstalled, we will test and recommission your system to ensure it’s operating properly and cleared with your utility for production.
Call today for your free estimate for a Solar Remove-Reinstall at 520-777-0511